
Discover The Kitchari Store, where ancient wisdom meets culinary bliss. Immerse yourself in the time-honored tradition of Kitchari, a nourishing blend of rice, legumes, and potent medicinal spices revered in Ayurvedic medicine. Experience the comforting embrace and revitalizing and rejuvenating benefits of Kitchari – a holistic powerhouse rich in complete proteins, gentle on digestion, and imbued with anti-inflammatory prowess. Embark on a journey to radiant well-being and inner balance. Your body and soul deserve it.

What is a Kitchari Cleanse and why do you need it ?

Listen to your body's whispers: decode the hidden messages of fatigue, skin troubles, brain fog, digestive issues and more—why your body might be crying out for a cleanse. Immerse yourself in the healing traditions of ayurveda with kitchari: your time-tested pathway to detoxification, digestive harmony, and inner renewal. Embark on a journey of transformation, liberating yourself from toxins, reducing inflammation and embracing a radiant state of health and vitality.

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Our Kitchari Cleanse Packages

All of our kitchari products are prepared in small batches by culinary experts and dehydrated in individually packed ready-to-prepare meals within minutes. All our Kitchari products are vegetarian and gluten free. Your journey to vibrant health begins here!

The Three-Day Kitchari Cleanse $95.00 USD

Embark on a rejuvenating journey with our three-day cleanse, meticulously crafted to reset your system and invigorate your spirit. Each cleanse features 9 individual servings of our signature Kitchari, expertly blended for optimal nourishment and cleansing benefits. Accompanied by aromatic turmeric and saffron rice portions, this cleanse promises a delightful culinary experience that's as easy on your schedule as it is on your body.

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The Five-Day Kitchari Cleanse $125.00 USD

Elevate your wellness routine with our extended five-day cleanse, designed to deeply detoxify and restore balance from within. Indulge in 15 individual portions of our nourishing Kitchari, carefully dehydrated and ready to prepare in just 5 minutes. Complemented by aromatic turmeric and saffron rice, this cleanse offers a harmonious fusion of flavor and health benefits, ensuring you emerge feeling revitalized and rejuvenated.

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